South Hill Art Gallery: 2011 - 2015
"What do a pair of lawyers, a country homestead, an iconic Australia pop artist, a massive merino, a man with a ukulele, an Archibald Prize-winning water-colourist, and a mythical yellow house have in common?"
Read an article about South Hill Gallery by Nigel Featherstone
South Hill Gallery was opened by Linda and Roland Gumbert in 2011, and featured art exhibitions and community events spanning the following 4 years, up to its retirement in 2015. Exhibitions have included those from artists, including but not limited to: William Yang, John Deng, Margarita Georgiadis, Adam Hill, John Lewis, Cherry Hood, Max Cullen, Margie Mullins and Jim Anderson. It was a delight to have had the opportunity to showcase and foster great creative personalities.
Patron - Martin Sharp: It was our great privilege to have had Australia's foremost Pop artist, Martin Sharp, as the Patron of South Hill Gallery. Regarded as this country's most prominent Pop artist, Martin Sharp made significant contributions to Australian culture from the early 6Os, with his posters and record covers in particular receiving international recognition.
Martin Sharp and Linda Gumbert together at Martin Sharps Last Exhibition - Damien Minton's Gallery