South Hill Heritage Estate

3 Garroorigang Road Goulburn 2580


PH: 0411 131 515 

PH: 0411 131 517

South Hill is just 45mins from Canberra and 2hrs from Sydney

From Sydney:
              Take the second Goulburn Exit
              Turn left at the roundabout
              Turn left into Garroorigang Road
              approx 1km, turn right in tree lined driveway

From Canberra:
              Take the first Goulburn exit
              Turn right at roundabout, get off at Abattoir sign
              Turn left into Garroorigang Road
              approx 1km, turn right in tree lined driveway

From Goulburn Centre:
              Travel south along Sloane St
              Pass sheep sale yards on right
              Continue under freeway underpass
              Turn right into Garroorigang Road
              Turn left into tree lined driveway




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